
Showing posts from June, 2020

Business Communication in times of crisis - 6 Lessons from Sonu Sood

We read several articles written by businesses on the best practices to communicate to customers during an adverse situation or a pandemic. But we saw only a few businesses walking the talk, that they preached earlier, during the recent COVID-19 situation. It showed us the reality of many businesses and their character beyond the P/L statement to help humanity and literally act as humans for humans. In all of this comes a human, who is popularly known to play villain roles in Indian cinema, who is now making businesses take notes on how to share the pain of customers and convert the whole situation into a positive one just by compassion and communication. Mr. Sonu Sood needs no introduction to you as his actions, in real life, not only have given a new meaning to hope but also have shown that how a single person can bring the change. His response, by helping people in times of crisis, teaches us the very basics of business communication and personal branding that many busi...

My Fascination for Political Marketing (+ 19 Ways to take your political marketing to the next level)

My fascination for political marketing was rooted in 2014 when Mr. Narendra Modi came to power. It was the first time when I witnessed the real power of a brand. Back then I was not a student of marketing but always had an appreciation and aspiration to make a career in it. I always wondered about the kind of creativity one requires to come up with ideas of portraying the products, services, or anything a customer wants to buy. Fast forward to today, 6 years of Modi government and 6 years of me trying to decode his way of communicating with the masses. Although, in these years, I learned marketing basics in my MBA class but saw live examples in form of BJP's political campaigns. The importance of 5W1H ( Why, Who, What, Where, When, and How ) was clearly visible, the art of storytelling and gamification was aptly used, and the use of technology and social media was smartly leveraged. It was something out of a playbook to win masses. It was surreal to see the magic Mr. Modi had on ...

Why Congress doesn't seem to have a good political marketing expert in their team? (Recent events will tell you clearly.)

When I think of Congress I think of a party where there are several wanna-be leaders who boast their knowledge on the public platform and hope to become a leader someday. Although this is a good thing and can be pursued by anyone, what I see is that they don't care about or support what the other person is actually doing for the party, as they speak for themselves and always want to be known among the public for their thoughts and actions rather than of the party. Though, they do associate themselves with the party name but do not acknowledge or promote things done by other party members. They are focusing more on individual branding and achievements rather than collective branding and achievements. And, this is not just limited to bottom-level party members but can also be seen in the top-level party members of Congress. They like to play solo but within an umbrella of several solo players. And this has brought problems for Congress in the past and will continue in the futur...