That Unplanned Destination

You know, yesterday I went on a road trip to nowhere. I woke up early in the morning to the birds chirping at my window. Freshened up, I packed all the essentials for the trip, smiling, thinking of the pleasant uncertainties lying ahead. My bike was shined & ready to glide on the highway as I tied the backpack onto the pillion seat. The first sunlight of the day rushed to caress my face as I put the throttle to roll. I had nothing planned for this trip, no destination, no stoppings, no expectations, nothing but experience, as it may come. As I hit the highway, my eyes witnessed nature doing its morning chores while bathing itself in the golden spread of the sun. Birds, up above, raced with me as they beautifully flocked together creating a mesmerizing skyscape with cotton clouds in the background. While below, moving straight, I was trying hard to confine my brain within, but couldn't hold it to spread its wings to explore the forbidden terrains of the Subconscious. When ventur...