If I stop competing, won’t I miss out?

"Me vs Everyone" While reading one of the articles, I came across this question put up by a student to one of the business leaders. The latter aptly answered the question giving various inputs on introspection, skill-building, and prioritizing one’s goals, to the former. One thing that he said that perfectly summed up the answer was: “It is the fear of being judged and fear of failure that holds one back from trying out new things and going out of the box.” Though the student’s question looks simple in terms of one’s urge to compete in this sharp-edged competitive world, it puts light on the behavioral attitude of the millennials that psychologists term as ‘FOMO’. Fear of missing out or FOMO is a tendency where one constantly compares oneself with others and wants to be everywhere with a fear that he/she might miss something important, and thus make him/her feel left out from the rest. Although this attitude is good to some extent, if kept for long, would neg...