The Indian Bride

While attending several marriage functions over the course of a few months, I noticed something unique. The bride cries a little more when she hugs her father or her brother during the bidayi time/ceremony. I wondered why.

I came up with 3 possible reasons behind this:

1. A sense of support & care that she received in her life till then at her home is suddenly getting away (perceived notion) and she is in doubt if she could get that kind of support, care, & love, that she received from her father and brother, at her new home and from her husband.

2. Secondly, a sense of respect for her father and brother, and an uncertain aspiration/expectation to get the same qualities in her husband could be another reason behind this.

3. Thirdly, a sudden burst of the comfort zone bubble and a detachment from a familiar place & people, & the anxiety for an unfamiliar place and people could be another reason for this.

The Indian Bride

P.S: I may be wrong in thinking all about this. If you think that I am wrong, I would be very happy to get corrected. 

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Until the next time...

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