3 Short Stories
That small shop
When she was a small kid, there was a small shop by an old man near her house. She used to see him sitting in that small shop of his own every single day while going to her school. She used to buy chocolates from him while hopping back to her house. She was joyful when, sometimes, he generously gave her sweet candies for free. As time went by, she grew up and moved to different cities for studies and jobs, but whenever she used to visit her hometown she always saw him sitting in that very shop. They exchanged smiles few a times. This time when she visited her hometown, that small shop was closed for several days.
My Lord Hanuman
There is a small temple, dedicated to the Lord Hanuman, near my house. Years ago, adjacent to this temple, there were a few small residential quarters where small families and college students lived. One such family had a kid affected by polio. He couldn't walk properly and used to support his movements around with a stick. He often played near the temple with other elder kids, who often teased and made fun of him for his condition. Undeterred by the way those elder kids treated him, he used to play with those kids every single day. When not playing, I observed him sitting quietly or talking to the Lord Hanuman idol kept in the temple. People in my neighborhood regarded him mad for his condition and for his actions. But he kept on doing what he used to do, smiled at me whenever I passed by that temple. With time, people started to move out of those residential quarters and from the neighborhood. Those quarters transformed into an apartment. Years passed by. Today I saw him sitting quietly, facing the idol of the temple, with tears rolling down his cheeks.Ready..Set..Go
He was on the pillion of the bike.
She was barefoot.
He moved towards the main gate.
She was at the main gate.
The bike stopped at the main gate due to traffic.
She begged for some money from him.
He took some money out of his wallet.
Suddenly, the bike moved so as she.
One outpaced the other,
breaking a hope,
creating a heartbreak.
He looked back.
She stood still.
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Until the next time...
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