"Look for the catchy phrase"

“To start an article with a quote looks quite cool”

Indeed! The mantra to make a reader stick to the article is to start your article with some catchy phrase and build a story on it. Although this may sound unreal, readers do follow the catchy phrase. This style of practicing your forte is not limited to the field of writing; businesses have used it to make an early impact on the minds of their customers. Athletes use this to get an initial edge over their competitors. Racers use the acceleration of their cars to jump off a little over their competitors. A famous quote also says, “An early impact is half work done”. And after that, it is your vigor that plays the card for you. Enthusiasm and dedication have always been the driving factors to achieve any goal.

why so serious joker

Reliance Jio started off with their free service. This was their catchy phrase. They made the impact initially and now they are on par with their competitors, leaving behind a few as well. When Jio came into the market, others were, more or less, playing on the same ground, offering similar kinds of services and charging customers for using those services. Jio came with a difference and successfully played on it.

Successful players have always bet on their point of difference. In this era everywhere, there is cutthroat competition. The market is flooded with products and services that offer the same value and thus people have a varied choice range. You have no other choice but to play on your point of difference.

Similarly, when you go out in the job market, holding your degree, you see a long queue with people holding the same degree as yours; you happily join the queue hoping to get your chance. But somewhere at a distance, you observe another queue, smaller than the queue you are currently in. You start to race towards the smaller queue, but in the middle, you got hit by a transparent glass boldly stating “What’s different in you?”. It is the time when reality hits you. Here, you have two choices that would decide your future. One, with heavy feet you start to return to the same old queue and wait for your turn. Or, you start to pursue and do things that make you different from others.

Being different is not a one-day process. It involves constant hard work and dedication towards a goal, collaborating with like-minded people, sculpting your character, refining your skills, and whatnot. What do you observe when you hear of Sachin Tendulkar, Roger Federer, Michael Phelps, Usain Bolt, Michael Schumacher? They are known for their character, and for their dedication and hard work in their respective areas. They constantly refined their skills in order to be called the Legend. Their performance always did the talking for them.

Likewise, in the coming new era, your skills will be doing the talking for you rather than your degree. Your skill will be your identity and the degree of your skill will determine your success.

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Until the next time...

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