
Showing posts from December, 2021

Vicky ko Katrina mil sakti hai toh kuch bhi ho sakta hai!

It was that evening during the December of 2021 when the bone-chilling winds were casually window-shopping every house of the town, sneaking in the small crevices, and leaving behind a shiver and a teeth chatter to prove their presence. While in the distance, an all-day hide & seek game of clouds and the sun was witnessing a closure, with a meeky sun accepting its defeat, lurking behind the clouds, and leaving for the day. With the daylight to a bare minimum for the human eyes to see anything, darkness slowly started to spread its carpet over the horizon. A flock of birds danced and formed a beautiful pattern in the grey sky while returning from their daylong excursion. It was one of those times when you crave a hot cup of tea and a warm blanket to give you some warmth in that retirement of the day. Overlooking these events getting unfolded through my window, sitting on my workstation, I was working on my project, wrapped in every woolen cloth that I could get to cover myself, with...

Would you wait for someone to die to make a phone call?

Recently, I received a very personal message, that also happen to be a personal anecdote, from one of my long-time long-distance friends that went something like this: " Ankit, Yesterday I traveled 3500 KM up North East of Arunachal Pradesh from the Southern part of India to attend my uncle's funeral. Dai was 65 and although he went far too soon, I somehow find comfort in knowing that he was doing what he loved most, swimming, before his heart decided to suddenly stop. Turns out, something bizarre happens when someone you know dies. For starters, you have to dance with feelings of guilt about all the things you wished you had done differently. Secondly, you get flooded with memories that you had completely forgotten about up until now, which fills you up with a sense of connection and appreciation. As my 95 years young Grandmother described her former son-in-law, Dai was a "Big Man". Standing tall at 6ft2, a lover of football, he was a big unit. My u...

Were you a female in your previous life?

I recently eavesdropped on a conversation, while traveling in a train, wherein two young gentlemen were discussing their financial & future life plans, how they would be earning as much as Jeff Bezos in the next few years riding on a 'super disruptive' idea they have for a startup, and how they would be retiring young at an age of 35. It was more like a Deja Vu for me and so I, smilingly & bendingly, continued eavesdropping on their fantasies, oops, financial & future plans. From Jeff Bezos's divorce alimony to bitching about their bosses, to mundane 9 to 5 schedule, to their 'awesome' startup idea, to leaving the job, to hiring smart 'men', and earning pool of money, their discussion explored everything a young mind could fantasize about. Listening to their exchange of thoughts, I had a constant smile on my face to the point where the woman sitting in front of me, facing towards me, started to 'adjust' herself feeling threatened by it....

The Indian Bride

While attending several marriage functions over the course of a few months, I noticed something unique. The bride cries a little more when she hugs her father or her brother during the bidayi time/ceremony. I wondered why. I came up with 3 possible reasons behind this: 1. A sense of support & care that she received in her life till then at her home is suddenly getting away (perceived notion) and she is in doubt if she could get that kind of support, care, & love, that she received from her father and brother, at her new home and from her husband. 2. Secondly, a sense of respect for her father and brother, and an uncertain aspiration/expectation to get the same qualities in her husband could be another reason behind this. 3. Thirdly, a sudden burst of the comfort zone bubble and a detachment from a familiar place & people, & the anxiety for an unfamiliar place and people could be another reason for this. P.S: I may be wrong in thinking all about this. If you think that I...