
Vicky ko Katrina mil sakti hai toh kuch bhi ho sakta hai!

It was that evening during the December of 2021 when the bone-chilling winds were casually window-shopping every house of the town, sneaking in the small crevices, and leaving behind a shiver and a teeth chatter to prove their presence. While in the distance, an all-day hide & seek game of clouds and the sun was witnessing a closure, with a meeky sun accepting its defeat, lurking behind the clouds, and leaving for the day. With the daylight to a bare minimum for the human eyes to see anything, darkness slowly started to spread its carpet over the horizon. A flock of birds danced and formed a beautiful pattern in the grey sky while returning from their daylong excursion. It was one of those times when you crave a hot cup of tea and a warm blanket to give you some warmth in that retirement of the day. Overlooking these events getting unfolded through my window, sitting on my workstation, I was working on my project, wrapped in every woolen cloth that I could get to cover myself, with...

Would you wait for someone to die to make a phone call?

Recently, I received a very personal message, that also happen to be a personal anecdote, from one of my long-time long-distance friends that went something like this: " Ankit, Yesterday I traveled 3500 KM up North East of Arunachal Pradesh from the Southern part of India to attend my uncle's funeral. Dai was 65 and although he went far too soon, I somehow find comfort in knowing that he was doing what he loved most, swimming, before his heart decided to suddenly stop. Turns out, something bizarre happens when someone you know dies. For starters, you have to dance with feelings of guilt about all the things you wished you had done differently. Secondly, you get flooded with memories that you had completely forgotten about up until now, which fills you up with a sense of connection and appreciation. As my 95 years young Grandmother described her former son-in-law, Dai was a "Big Man". Standing tall at 6ft2, a lover of football, he was a big unit. My u...

Were you a female in your previous life?

I recently eavesdropped on a conversation, while traveling in a train, wherein two young gentlemen were discussing their financial & future life plans, how they would be earning as much as Jeff Bezos in the next few years riding on a 'super disruptive' idea they have for a startup, and how they would be retiring young at an age of 35. It was more like a Deja Vu for me and so I, smilingly & bendingly, continued eavesdropping on their fantasies, oops, financial & future plans. From Jeff Bezos's divorce alimony to bitching about their bosses, to mundane 9 to 5 schedule, to their 'awesome' startup idea, to leaving the job, to hiring smart 'men', and earning pool of money, their discussion explored everything a young mind could fantasize about. Listening to their exchange of thoughts, I had a constant smile on my face to the point where the woman sitting in front of me, facing towards me, started to 'adjust' herself feeling threatened by it....

The Indian Bride

While attending several marriage functions over the course of a few months, I noticed something unique. The bride cries a little more when she hugs her father or her brother during the bidayi time/ceremony. I wondered why. I came up with 3 possible reasons behind this: 1. A sense of support & care that she received in her life till then at her home is suddenly getting away (perceived notion) and she is in doubt if she could get that kind of support, care, & love, that she received from her father and brother, at her new home and from her husband. 2. Secondly, a sense of respect for her father and brother, and an uncertain aspiration/expectation to get the same qualities in her husband could be another reason behind this. 3. Thirdly, a sudden burst of the comfort zone bubble and a detachment from a familiar place & people, & the anxiety for an unfamiliar place and people could be another reason for this. P.S: I may be wrong in thinking all about this. If you think that I...

Business Communication in times of crisis - 6 Lessons from Sonu Sood

We read several articles written by businesses on the best practices to communicate to customers during an adverse situation or a pandemic. But we saw only a few businesses walking the talk, that they preached earlier, during the recent COVID-19 situation. It showed us the reality of many businesses and their character beyond the P/L statement to help humanity and literally act as humans for humans. In all of this comes a human, who is popularly known to play villain roles in Indian cinema, who is now making businesses take notes on how to share the pain of customers and convert the whole situation into a positive one just by compassion and communication. Mr. Sonu Sood needs no introduction to you as his actions, in real life, not only have given a new meaning to hope but also have shown that how a single person can bring the change. His response, by helping people in times of crisis, teaches us the very basics of business communication and personal branding that many busi...

My Fascination for Political Marketing (+ 19 Ways to take your political marketing to the next level)

My fascination for political marketing was rooted in 2014 when Mr. Narendra Modi came to power. It was the first time when I witnessed the real power of a brand. Back then I was not a student of marketing but always had an appreciation and aspiration to make a career in it. I always wondered about the kind of creativity one requires to come up with ideas of portraying the products, services, or anything a customer wants to buy. Fast forward to today, 6 years of Modi government and 6 years of me trying to decode his way of communicating with the masses. Although, in these years, I learned marketing basics in my MBA class but saw live examples in form of BJP's political campaigns. The importance of 5W1H ( Why, Who, What, Where, When, and How ) was clearly visible, the art of storytelling and gamification was aptly used, and the use of technology and social media was smartly leveraged. It was something out of a playbook to win masses. It was surreal to see the magic Mr. Modi had on ...

Why Congress doesn't seem to have a good political marketing expert in their team? (Recent events will tell you clearly.)

When I think of Congress I think of a party where there are several wanna-be leaders who boast their knowledge on the public platform and hope to become a leader someday. Although this is a good thing and can be pursued by anyone, what I see is that they don't care about or support what the other person is actually doing for the party, as they speak for themselves and always want to be known among the public for their thoughts and actions rather than of the party. Though, they do associate themselves with the party name but do not acknowledge or promote things done by other party members. They are focusing more on individual branding and achievements rather than collective branding and achievements. And, this is not just limited to bottom-level party members but can also be seen in the top-level party members of Congress. They like to play solo but within an umbrella of several solo players. And this has brought problems for Congress in the past and will continue in the futur...

What can we learn from PM’s (Narendra Modi) speech? 5 Important lessons.

The famous 8 PM speeches of our PM, Mr. Narendra Modi, have always excited us and put us on the edge of our seats. We are excited because he tells us a story (more like a fairytale) and we are nervous because we do not know what surprise he carries every time. His speeches although never contain any promises from his side but they certainly bring a sense of positivity for most of the citizens. He portrays citizens as national heroes who have contributed to nation-building and this portrayal provides them a sense of pride and loyalty for their nation. He requests, inspires, and motivates citizens through his speeches. Earlier in the past, we have seen how people religiously followed his requests, accepted his decisions, and believed in his actions. Our PM has created an aura around him that is so strong that many people start to justify even when he is wrong. Being a good orator, he reads the pulse of the public and comes up with a strong pitch that can sell or buy anything. ...

Why he (Rahul Gandhi) is not what he used to be!

Recently, I happened to watch the press conference of Mr. Rahul Gandhi, the former president of the Indian National Congress party, on the ongoing pandemic around the world. It was not something everyone was excited about or was waiting for him to deliver his thoughts on this topic. Although he came out, like any other opposition leader, and spoke his words out and gave suggestions to the ruling government to combat the current 'emergency-like' situation as well as to have a strategic plan to offset the economic and social repercussions that might arise due to it. We often, in the past, heard words like 'Chawkidaar chor hai' in his speeches where he tried to question every work of the ruling government. Although there is no doubt that his work compels him to ask questions to the ruling government but he was often criticized for the lack of oratory skill and for his choice of words in his speeches where he had gone blank a few times. Leaving all that aside, I ...

Decoding Narendra Modi's Speech

The most anticipated speech of the prime minister, we all have been waiting for, came at 10:00 AM today. After following every other instruction he gave earlier to the citizens of the country during the lockdown, many were excited to listen to what the prime of the country had to say on the ongoing pandemic and what decisions he had taken to tackle it. While others had anticipated an extension of the lockdown given the gradual rise of the COVID-19 cases in the country despite lockdown. Although a nearly half an hour speech of the PM gave few answers to the problems the business environment is facing due to the lockdown, he gave several pointers for the crisis communication every brand and marketer should look upon. Therefore, I have decoded his speech structure into 7 parts. People The prime minister started his speech by praising citizens for their efforts in following and respecting the lockdown. He also acknowledged the hardships people are facing due to it and felt so...

Impact of coronavirus on business environment, the response of brands and what should marketing teams focus on.

“Moody’s cuts India’s GDP growth outlook in 2020 to 2.5% amid coronavirus outbreak.” This news came after a few days when India went under a 21-day lockdown, which began on March 25, to contain the spread of coronavirus. Rating agencies saw this as a potential brake on the economic activity that would adversely affect the growth of the country, which is already on a downward trajectory for the past few quarters. Although the move, for a lockdown, from the government was necessary in order to safeguard public health and protect the economy from getting worse from this pandemic. The lockdown, categorically, will put several liquidity constraints on the business environment and will affect the overall growth across sectors. The impact will be seen more in the first quarter of the financial year 2021, which began on April 1. Anticipating this, Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman, announced a 23$ billion package aimed at cushioning the disruption coronavirus outbreak mi...